because life is not static, there is an inherent beat and rhythm to it that affects us all. do you complement this rhythm? do you try to ignore it? are you out of step?


these are the tales of a dancing diplomat!! sometimes this mission keeps me and my dance company - life, rhythm, move project - at home in washington, dc. at other times, we find ourselves kick ball changing across the country and globe. enjoy these pictures and updates of recent adventures.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I’m still here, but I’ll back: Revelations on an extended stay

Again, this was to be a four-day mission. But gracias to the snow in DC and cloudy conditions in Teguc, I was delayed by 3 days.  Notice I’m not complaining.  The extra time in 80 degree weather afforded me more time to hang with students, see more old friends, and go to La Tigra (a beautiful national park) with my dance family.  It gave me more time at the center to figure out what I would like to do on a return voyage. It gave me time to consider Eric’s suggestion of applying for a Fulbright. 
So, my wheels are turning…quickly.  Even though the political climate of the country has changed, I feel so at home and charged in this country.  And I can give something.  I feel like I’m supposed to come back and give. I often wonder why certain people focus abroad when there are so many problems at home. I’ve stopped wondering this.  I don’t know why I feel so connected to Honduras, but as Lempira said, “why not?”
I LOVE teaching and helping young people discover dance and the arts.  I went to school to study international relations.  I elected to start studying Spanish when I was 10 years old. I didn’t know what all of that could mean at the time, but now it’s making perfect sense.  It’s all been necessary for me for me to live this life and use the gifts God has given me.  So, I’m not going to question why Honduras.  Besides, who knows where I’ll be called to next. I still have to get back to Bolivia and hope to experience many new places for the first time.  But as for now, I’m going to keep trekking along with the goal to change the world one kick-ball change at a time.  Maybe I wear big ol’ rose-colored glasses or maybe because I know what dance has done for me, but I know that this mission I’m on…it works. 

1 comment:

artis moon amarche said...

it works, & you are workin it aysha. good things are happening to you for a reason. spread your love all over the globe.
~ artis /