because life is not static, there is an inherent beat and rhythm to it that affects us all. do you complement this rhythm? do you try to ignore it? are you out of step?


these are the tales of a dancing diplomat!! sometimes this mission keeps me and my dance company - life, rhythm, move project - at home in washington, dc. at other times, we find ourselves kick ball changing across the country and globe. enjoy these pictures and updates of recent adventures.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Success on the Millennium Stage

A million thanks to my cast and crew for a fantastic job this past week at the Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage. I'm speechless with gratitude to my family, friends, colleagues and everyone that came out and supported...I feel the love from the dance community and I am inspired to keep going. I also want to thank the teenagers that helped with this project...I will always keep my ear tuned to what young people are saying...forget the GDP or housing market, you can judge a nation's health by looking at it's most valuable resource -- it's people, and more importantly, it's young people. If we call them the future, we owe it to them and ourselves to listen.

If you weren't able to watch the show in person, don't can watch it online on the Kennedy-Center's website. (If that link is too long or doesn't go through, go to and follow links for the Millennium Stage performance archives.)

Again...many thanks!!
Peace and Love!!!

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